Sexualizing? Please stop.

Choices, choices, choices. As a Libertarian myself, I believe that everyone has the choice to do with their life as they please, of course, if they mess up/break a law, then it is their fault.

Lately, companies have been putting advertisements sexualizing women. The purpose for this is the simple fact that sex sells, and not only towards men, but to women as well.

Two individuals named Carrie Packwood Freeman and Debra Merskin wrote in “Having It His Way”:

“In The Sexual Politics of Meat, Adams promotes an ecofeminist-vegetarian theory, asserting that ‘women and animals are similarly positioned in a patriarchal world, as objects rather than subjects.”

Companies are here to make money, they break absolutely no law by selling sex. While it’s true that women are objectified in the ad, they are not objectified in real life, they are fully consenting of what is going on. The ads are also funny in a way to both men and women. I think the ads are funny, I don’t see it as, “I AM A MALE, NOW GET ON YOUR KNEES WOMAN SINCE I AM YOUR KING,” I see it as, “that footlong looks like a dick, TOP KEK.” Women still have equal rights with men, and women are the ones choosing to be in the ads, fast food joints just create ads to sell their products.

We need comic relief once in a while too, we can’t be politically correct all the time just because one person out of a million people got offended. Most gays and even straight people use the word, “fag,” most blacks and even non-blacks call their friends, “nigga,” it’s all in the way you use words, just like the ads.

For example, with my group of friends, we ALWAYS insult each other. My group of friends consist of a guy named Justin, Cole, Seth, Jared, Marcus, and myself. I happen to be Hispanic, Justin happens to be gay, Cole is shy and a “weaboo” (Japanese culture freak), Seth has a creepy voice, Marcus is black, and Jared is a complete disaster with girls. We refer to each other as, “niggers.” But saying nigger is not racist between us because we know none of us are racist, plus the word racism means someone from a specific race is superior because of his or her race (therefore saying, “fag,” or “nigger” is not necessarily homophobic or racist, it’s based on the context of how words are used). I am made fun of for being, “shit skin,” or a “border hopper” (even though I am not Mexican). Justin is made fun of for being a “fag,” and Jesus won’t love him (we are Atheists in our group, but this is our inside joke). Marcus is made fun of for being a”GUD BOI, HE DINDU NUFFIN’ RONG, HANDS UP DON SHOO.” Seth is made fun of for being, “the typical pedophile with the white van.” Jared is the “pussy.” And lastly, Cole is just a fag, and a loser, yet I love him the most out of everyone in our group. In the end, we made fun of each other for the whole purpose of fun, that’s what makes us human. I would kill for these people, I would die for them, and they would do the same for me. The things we say to each other are not meant in a literal way.

What does this example have anything to do with the ads “sexualizing women”?

The ads are also depicted as comic relief. As I commented above, the footlong looking like a penis is funny, and the woman that was willing to be in the ad for the same reason, and money.

Instead of focusing on the issue of advertisement, let’s focus on the issue of violence towards women in the Middle East, let’s focus of the young boys in South America being raped by priests, let’s focus on real issues.

9 thoughts on “Sexualizing? Please stop.

  1. I love your post lol! I still have yet to see an example in where a woman is so horrible oppressed. Its seems more of a media issue to me. I also really don’t see a huge issue with gender roles for the most part. I don’t think men expect women to drop everything and serve them hand and foot anymore.


  2. maybe look for statistics from better and more up to date sources? try taking a look at these, if you can stomach it.( //
    “there is a variety of factors why someone … earns less than others” what factors? and why does it so happen that women so often end up on the side which earns less? are you honestly arguing that it’s a huge coincidence?
    “if women are paid less, why don’t companies just hire women and only women?” it’s not so much an abstract concept like “companies” hiring, but average people who do the hiring; and they are the ones who will choose to hire a man or woman. if a higher-up is considering someone to promote, they will take into consideration not just one’s skills and the work they’ve done, they will likely take into consideration, sub-consciously or consciously, one’s sex and gender. and this is such a huge factor for the wage gap. women are less likely to find promotions and increases in pay because higher-ups see them as a lesser option when compared to men. (further explanation:
    also, “women are objectified in the ad, they are not objectified in real life”? is the ad… not real? was it a mass hallucination? the fact that ads like these are created at all, along with the fact that those who make them receive little to no significant backlash, makes a LARGE statement about what appeals to an audience. and in this case it’s the reaffirmation of men’s domination over women.
    out of curiosity, do you think racism is over too?


  3. “”maybe look for statistics from better and more up to date sources? try taking a look at these, if you can stomach it.”( //”
    Looking at the statistics you provided, there are a bunch of different factors to further my point. But I’ll respond to the next bit before I address them.

    ““there is a variety of factors why someone … earns less than others” what factors? and why does it so happen that women so often end up on the side which earns less? are you honestly arguing that it’s a huge coincidence?”
    There are factors, and they are certainly not coincidences. Take, for example, in the link you provided, the percentage of women who work full time compared to that of the men who work full time, then look at the part time statistics. There is a larger number of women working part time jobs; people who work part time get paid less than those who work full time. I’d also advise taking a look at how many hours are worked per week by sex, as it shows that men put in more full time hours, which leads to more pay, naturally.

    ““if women are paid less, why don’t companies just hire women and only women?” it’s not so much an abstract concept like “companies” hiring, but average people who do the hiring; and they are the ones who will choose to hire a man or woman. if a higher-up is considering someone to promote, they will take into consideration not just one’s skills and the work they’ve done, they will likely take into consideration, sub-consciously or consciously, one’s sex and gender. and this is such a huge factor for the wage gap. women are less likely to find promotions and increases in pay because higher-ups see them as a lesser option when compared to men. (further explanation:”
    Firstly, I just want to point out the irony of one telling another to use up-to-date sources when one uses a source from the same year as the other, as shown directly above. To respond to the notion that women receive less promotions than do men, I will point out the first fact that I reference earlier- women work more in part-time jobs, which doesn’t leave much room for promotion. However, more importantly than that, according to a Harvard Business study conducted late 2015, , women do not actively seek out promotions and positions of higher power as much as men do. This is a very up to date source.

    “also, “women are objectified in the ad, they are not objectified in real life”? is the ad… not real? was it a mass hallucination? the fact that ads like these are created at all, along with the fact that those who make them receive little to no significant backlash, makes a LARGE statement about what appeals to an audience. and in this case it’s the reaffirmation of men’s domination over women.
    out of curiosity, do you think racism is over too?”
    The ad is certainly real, but an ad depicting a woman being objectified is significantly different from women actually being objectified in real life. I’ve seen ads that depict violence, does that mean that violence is culturally accepted? No, it is quite the opposite as crime is at an all time low. Men finding women to be “sexy” in an ad does not mean they think they are entitled to her body, or reaffirm male domination over women.
    I think this data speaks for racism and police brutality, and is as up to date as possible.

    My best friend, Kira Mower (female, who is also in our class) helped me do the research and reply to you. It also must be noted that your “evidence” contradicts your claims. While racism does exist to the lowest of extents, racism is not as big as the media and liberals make it seem to be (I am Hispanic and lived in Peru for 10 years BTW). I hope you can “stomach” this, and do more research.


    1. lol you got me on my sources. but again, even with women working more part time jobs it still comes down to ‘why does that happen?’ which comes to, usually, the perceptions of women and gender roles. (these relate to the quote below… and what I said from the very beginning)
      as for my second source you got me on the timeliness part. I meant to refer to the fact it was from harvard and not aol.
      “s. For example, evidence suggests that compared to men, women are perceived as less competent and lacking leadership potential (7–9) and are more likely to encounter challenges, skepticism, and backlash about their ideas and abilities (10–15).” …and this came from the source you just linked. I guess neither of us pay enough attention.
      I do apologize for being rude in my first statement. I was mad and to be honest I still am. but I can see neither of us will change our convictions, so… it’s a wash?


  4. I was not mad at all, I have dealt with plenty of feminists before. I find it extremely hilarious and absurd how feminists believe they are a majority, and how they are making a change; in reality majority of women are not feminists, yet the media makes it seem like every woman is a feminist.

    Why don’t we address the issue on Islam oppression of women? Why do women get mutilated in Egypt? Most women in 3rd world countries are actually paid less because of their gender, women in the Middle East are put to death if they are raped (unless they marry the rapist), women are not treated like humans in Ghana, and Jordan; there are a PLETHORA of other examples of real oppression of women. Yet Modern feminists addresses inexistent such as the “wage gap,” beauty standards*, and how men promote rape culture**.

    Men have a lot of issues too. Why do men get more sentence for the same crime committed by a woman? Men are 97% of combat fatalities, men make 94% of work suicides, 80% of all suicides are men, boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls, and there are still a lot more examples, google real sexism.

    The thing is that both genders have issues, and we have to address them both. Shaming all men, and misusing the word “sexism,” does not help either.

    Final note:
    I am the most open-minded person you will ever meet, if you can challenge my beliefs and give me solid reason, and evidence to why I am wrong, I will change the way I think. 3 months ago I used to be a democrat (used to believe that Republicans = racists, homophobic, intolerant. I was wrong for believing what I was told. After amplifying my knowledge, I realized I was a libertarian (it’s like being in the middle of the 2, but more on the republican side). I am libertarian, and I don’t hate gays, people of different color of skin, women, etc.

    If you have time, watch these videos, some of these will explain why I disagree with feminism, and other things that made me think differently.

    Feminist vs. common sense: (shortened version)
    Feminist convention:
    Woman destroying feminism:
    Peaceful BLM supporters and democrats:
    Debunking bullshit:
    Affirmative action:
    Don’t judge people different:
    “Racist” Cops?:

    *”Beauty standards” is all based on anatomy. Men subconsciously tend to like bigger breast, and thicker bodies, it is a sign of fertility. Men tend to like women that like them back, it’s a sign of a possible mate which leads to reproduction and human comfort. To be honest, really skinny women are not pretty at all, you can ask men; and most of them will agree (look it up on youtube). Same with women, women tend to like fit guys because it’s a sign of fertility. Most men and women do not like obese people, it’s not in our genetics; plus being 400lbs is not healthy or attractive, it’s unhealthy in every level, not just for women, men as well.

    **Rape culture is the most absurd thing I have ever heard, no one promotes rape or says that rape is socially acceptable. Rape is the crime that most people despise, and usually rapists get a life in prison for raping, if rape culture is real, then we are promoting men going to jail.

    To be honest, I sincerely do not believe that your opinion will change because it seems to me that you are very closed minded, and like many modern-feminists you suffer from the backfire effect (The “backfire effect” is a term coined by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler to describe how some individuals when confronted with evidence that conflicts with their beliefs come to hold their original position even more strongly).


    1. lmao i just said it was a wash. that was me exiting the conversation. why do you feel the need to bring up all these things to me? i advise, in the future, when someone is obviously trying to end something, you take yourself somewhere else, man. i’ll indulge you once more.
      personally, I feel like “modern feminists” (i assume you mean american feminists? do you think there aren’t any in those less developed countries? because i can assure you there are) address things like the wage gap, beauty standards, and rape culture because it is what they face in every day life. it’s hard to do something about what’s happening in a foreign country, especially when it’s happening to such a large extent. not everyone has money to afford donation to women’s rights groups in other countries, not everyone has the ability to make a statement that will get recognized to a patriarchal government. this usually leaves the option for women to try facing the issues that they’re…. faced with. “modern feminists” aren’t just having a massive pity party, they are trying to better their conditions to the best of their ability. (and please try to understand that ‘feminists’ are a group, so many people will pursue many methods. try not to generalize. e.g. ‘typical tumblr feminist’, ‘typical modern feminist.’ i don’t know what your experiences with feminists are, but try not to project too hard if they were poor experiences.)
      as for men having issues, it’s just as you say. it’s important to address women’s and men’s issues; they are thoroughly interconnected and it is near impossible to solve one’s issues without confronting the others. and i’m… not shaming men? or misusing the word sexism? once again, watch those generalizations.
      taking your word for the statistics you provide, i can think of probable reasons for all of them. combat fatalities in men would go to the fact that for so long women have not been allowed to participate in anything military related. this is only beginning to change, so the statistic is simply because there are more men in the military than women. men having higher suicide rates can be traced back to gender roles. typically, women are permitted to let out their emotions, talk about it, and even seek professional help. men, however, are often expected to suppress their emotions. “When upset, women are more likely to express their feelings directly, and to seek the support of friends and family, whereas men might hide their emotions or withdraw.
      Men often feel that they need to be self-reliant. They are sometimes focused on providing for their loved ones and hide their own emotions. This behavior is reinforced everyday in the stereotype of the heroic male, so often represented in popular culture. Fearless, resourceful, stoic and usually facing adversity alone, these characters tell us a lot about what is considered to be ideal male behaviour within our society.” (further reading: ) and when the emotions don’t get out well, build up too much, or whatever have you, it often can lead to suicide.
      the use of corporal punishment on boys can also trace to gender roles. the main reasons boys face it more would be that girls are likely either seen as more fragile, or being objectified, making physical punishment seem as more of a sexual act, or with sexual undertones. a third factor would be that boys receiving physical punishment is seen as a way to promote masculinity- by beating one, one will ‘toughen up’ or ‘become a man.’ (see here for more: // )
      I watched the videos, but I can say that i’m not going to take the time to address them. if those types of videos are why you are against feminism, try widening your horizons.
      if at this point we’re just throwing out reasons why we are/aren’t feminists, here’s a few of my consideratons: // // // // // // // and if you feel really ambitious: )
      as for beauty standards, you claim that men anatomically find larger women more attractive. if this is so, why do more ads feature thin women? similarly, i pose the question, why do more ads feature light skinned women? it’s all a matter of what the public perceives as desirable, and what the public perceives as desirable stems from what they have been told is desirable, and maybe some personal preference varying by individual. but marketers cannot rely on personal taste, so they have to go for the most popular opinion: thinner and lighter is better. and where does this come from? just stop and think for a moment. who says that thinner and lighter is better? the answer i find to be most accurate is the media. there may be variance by person, but en masse, the public has a notion of what beauty is/should be. the media makes ads featuring a beauty standard, and because of this, people subconsciously, or consciously, perceive it as more desirable. it’s like a vicious cycle, one which a goal of feminists is to break.
      as for rape, no, many are not going to go out and say, ‘rape is ok in my book.’ like with beauty standards, i feel you are thinking of rape at the individual level, when you need to examine it at the societal level. while if one is convicted of rape one can assume their punishment will be harsh, many are not convicted. when one is raped, common phrases arise, ‘you deserved it,’ ‘you wanted it,’ ‘it doesn’t matter, anyway.’ victim-blaming and a poor understanding of what rape is cause a lot of this, and society is responsible for these causes, not necessarily individuals. feminism needs to bring great awareness to this if there is hope to change the amount of rape that happens in any significant way.
      (if you were unsure of how often it really happens, trust me, it’s a lot: // )
      my opinion has not changed through this because i find that my opinion has more evidence to support it. (also, the term you’re looking for already existed: dogma. it’s a fallacy, and i try to keep away from it. maybe you should try that too.)


      1. BTW, this reply is not meant towards your post, but just explaining that I had to re-do the whole blog post because it did not meet the requirements for our professor.

        Anyways, you and I have different opinions, and as you said, none of us will change our opinions because we will both find evidence that will support our claims, and I, personally, would use your own data to contradict your claims. My point is that I don’t hate women at all, or think they are inferior to men. And I apologize if I was rude or offended you (no one forced me to apologize, I am doing this out of myself :3).


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